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Character Education

Character education can be broadly described as an approach to developing a set of values, attitudes, skills and behaviours that are thought to support young people's development and contribute to their success in school and adult life. 

Character Education in this school: 

Ensures building a set of positive personal traitsdispositions and virtues that informs pupils’ motivation and guides their conduct so that they flourish in our society. 

Our expectations are that pupils:

  • reflect wisely 
  • learn eagerly 
  • behave with integrity 
  • cooperate consistently well with others, building positive relationships 

So that pupils are:

  • High in self-efficacy and  self-belief. 
  • Highly motivated and tenacious, driven internally, and show persistence. 
  • Self-controlled through self-regulation with the ability to delay gratification. 
  • Good at coping.
  • Being considerate in articulating their own ideas listening to the views of others
  • Make good choices. 

Delivered though essential skills, core values and PSHE (RSE), assemblies within a wider offer which includes experiences, service and nurturing talents. 

Definitions developed from Ofsted Framework and Character Education and DFE framework guidance 2019